I just turned 22 and the pressure of making something of my life, of living, goes up with it. Recently something has caught my attention on blog posts, pinterest and youtube. A list of things people want to do before they reach a mark age – 18, 21, 25, 30, 40 etc. I’ve always found it interesting, but after seeing the vlogs of a girl doing 18 things before 18 I decided to join the bandwagon! So, as the title says, I will be doing ’30 before 30′. Why 30, when I’m not even 25? I just feel that with where I am in life right now and my priorities, 30 will be perfect!

There are a bunch of lists on Pinterest to inspire you to choose your items, and after some research and thinking (thanks mom!), I came up with the 30 things I want to do and here are a few:


Learn The Piano | 30 before 30

Visit NY | 30 before 30

Go Blonde | 30 before 30

Go Skiing | 30 before 30

Donate Blood | 30 before 30

Hang Gliding | 30 before 30

DO you have anything you’d like to do or have before a certain age? Let me know down below!




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.