Healthy hair, happy owner. Ain’t I right?
Hair can be a complicated beast. Which is why we need to take care of it well and efficiently.
There’s a couple of ways and products to take care of your hairy business, but today we will be talking about…


Yes! This organic, pure oil is a wonder for your hair because it is the only oil that can actually penetrate your hair shaft making it healthy from within!

Rich in Vitamin E, antioxidants and Lauric Acid. This oil is a sure bet to make your hair healthy. But for folks that worry over an oily mess, on the next post I will approach how to use it properly. Till next time!

Remember to use raw, organic, extra virging coconut oil to get the full effect.


About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.