“Amy, do you have any dirty clothes to be washed?” Claire asked from the hallway.

“No, I don’t think so. Why?” Amy smirked.

“Oh, shush! Do you or do you not?”

“Yes, it’s in my room.”

Claire put all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. She stopped to look in the mirror, maybe a bit more lip gloss. Yeah. She applied more, making sure she looked good.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to go and help?” Amy asked knowing very well she didn’t.

Claire rolled her eyes, not bothering to answer her. As she passed through the living room ready to go, Amy looked up from her laptop. “Looking awfully pretty just to do laundry.” Amy pointed out.

Claire frowned, she was going to turn and leave but then she paused. “Do you think it’s too much?!” Amy laughed. “No, silly, it’s fine. Trust me.”

Claire nodded, happily, and left the apartment. She quickly walked down the stairs to their building’s laundry room. It was Wednesday, 6 pm, he should be there.

She remembered when he moved in almost a year ago. Since then, they had crossed paths many times, on the elevator, hallway etc. But they only exchanged shy glances. If she were more like Amy, she would have talked to him a LONG time ago.

She took a deep breath before entering. Today she would do it. She would talk to him. Entering the room she saw him and she almost backed out. No! Not this time. She walked in confidently and placed her basket next to one of the washing machines. He was there looking as cute as ever.

She put the clothes to wash and turned to him. “Hi, my name is Claire.” She smiled. “I live in 303.”

Looking at her, he said. “I know” and smiled. He stood straight and walked to her. “I’m Mike, from 205.”
Claire smiled, blushing softly. “I know.”

They talked and talked. Time passed so quickly. When he was getting ready to leave, Mike stopped and said. “Hey, are you doing anything tomorrow?”

“No, not really.” She replied, trying to sound casual.

“Then, how about drinks?”


“Then it’s a date.” He says and leaves.

Alone in the room she stifles a squeal. Yes!


Sometimes you have to take a chance.

How did you meet your loved one?

More short love stories here.




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.