Detoxing/Juicing has slowly become more and more popular. Who remembers when everyone was drinking kale shots? Nowadays it’s common to see youtubers, bloggers, celebrities etc promoting detox teas or juicing systems. Have you ever stopped to wonder what it really is about? Does it work? What are the benefits? Any downsides? Well, I’m here today to help you!

What does ‘Detox’ even mean?

Detox – to detoxify, remove toxins.

Our bodies naturally get rid of toxins (mainly by our friend the liver), that can find their way into our bodies by a number of ways (ingested, skin contact, injected and inhaled).

But the popular ‘detox’ is an advertised form of daily additive, dieting or juicing that will aid in the elimination of toxins. The general idea suggests that most food contains contaminants: ingredients deemed unnecessary for human life, such as flavor enhancers, food colorings, pesticides, and preservatives.

Toxins are not the same as unhealthy food.

Does the diet ‘detox’ work?

If our body accumulate toxins by ingestion, can ingestion of the right stuff make our bodies eliminate them?

This type of detox, that comes through the main fear that we have accumulated toxins on our body, is not scientifically proven to work – nor recommended by health associations. However, it’s not like detoxes don’t work at all! It does help as an aid to things like over drinking.

But the fasting, juicing, method can be dangerous and actually have the contrary effect on your body! Fasting for more than a day or two without protein in your diet can shut down primary Phase 1 and Phase 2 liver detoxification function which can stay impaired for months. Which means, you can damage your body’s abilities to detoxify naturally!

“I love detoxing!” Why it can be good:

If your diet was ill before, you may feel a vast improvement from detoxing because of the nourishment you are receiving.

Green juices can help you ingest vitamins and minerals quickly and efficient without the need for your body to have a lengthy digestion!

“I feel terrible!” Why it can be bad:

Detoxes based on the consumption of only juices/teas instead of meals can cause dizziness, weakness, anemia. Having only green juices is not filling and can leave you hungry, craving and fire back on your diet. Prolonged fasting (as recommended by certain detox diets) can have dangerous health consequences or can even be fatal.

Instead of substituting main meals with juices/teas, add it as lunch or as a daily extra for that health boost!

What’s the best green juice?

There isn’t a best per say but nutritionists recommend that you mix a fruit, a vegetable and a seed together for the perfect balance.

Super vegetables:

Swiss chard, kale, romaine, collard greens, mustard greens and spinach are nutrient-dense and an excellent source of everything from calcium and potassium to vitamin C and iron.

Carrots have pro-vitamins alpha- and beta-carotene, precursors to vitamin A, that also give carrots their bright orange color and are good for eye-sight.

Broccoli is an exceptional source of fiber, folate and vitamins A, C and K—plus a good source of 16 other nutrients.

Super seeds:

Hemp seeds are pure protein they promote healthy hair and skin thanks to omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. And thanks to phytosterols, lower cholesterol.

Chia seeds are high in iron and folate (both essential nutrients), as well as bone-boosting calcium and magnesium. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids and soluble fibre.

Sesame seeds are high in antioxidants and rich in protein.

Flaxseeds are a great source of soluble fibre, flax lowers cholesterol and makes you feel full longer. These seeds are also packed with omega-3 fatty acids,

Super fruits:

Acai berry have twice the antioxidants found in blueberries, as well as omega fatty acids, protein and fiber.

Raspberries and cranberries – These colorful fruits are renowned for their high antioxidant activity, which is attributed to flavonoid compounds, including anthocyanins and quercetin.

Strawberries provide a good source of several essential nutrients and include vitamin C, potassium and fibre.

Apples are a great fiber source, but the skin contains quercetin, an antioxidant that packs antihistamine and anti-inflammatory power.

Peaches packs in more than 20 different macro and micronutrients, including fiber, vitamins A, C, E, potassium and zinc.

(!!!) Avoid food with high glicemic content like mango, grapes and watermelon as too much sugar can cause accumulation of excessive fat on your liver.

How should I prepare it?

There are too main ways to prepare it, with a juicer or with a blender. The blender is recommended by nutritionists because it keeps the fibers from the ingredients aiding in saciating you besides helping with your intestines and absorbtion of sugar and fat in the stomach. Sounds good to me!

What others are saying:

Love it! Always puts me on the right track and into eating healthy!” Alisha Taneja

I have an all fruit smoothie every morning! It helps give me that extra boost in the morning and they’re always delicious.” Hayle Olson

I love having smoothies for breakfast! Helps me stay up early in the morning. My go to recipe is 1 banana, strawberries, rolled oats, almond milk and 1 tbsp of either peanut butter or coconut oil for an extra energy boost!Alexia Rebing

“Juicing and detoxing are great methods to get you on the right track, but only if done in a healthy way. Make sure to do a little research and make sure it is from a credible source (especially when detoxing) so you can know that the method you are using puts your health and safety first! I really like some of the ones I find on Lauren Conrad’s website or Pinterest!” Leanna Ranieri

I think drinking fresh juice is great when incorporated into your daily meals to help you get your servings of fruit or veggies. But, I don’t think it’s a great “detox” method. Our bodies are smart and know how to detox on their own (like when you take a ton of shots one night and live to see the next day). I feel like juicing has become a quick fix diet fad for a lot of people trying to shed pounds quickly (which they regain later if they don’t continue to eat lower calorie meals). I think people need to research juicing and detox before they jump into it and expect results that are unrealistic or unhealthy.”  Dheandra Nicolette Jack


What are YOUR thoughts on detoxing?

Let me know down below!




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.