It’s an old story, New Year comes and we make a list promising to be a new person, to do this and that. But rarely we do! Well, let’s change this you and me! I have a couple of simple things that will help you define and achieve your 2016 resolutions, let’s go!

What do YOU Want?

Before ANYTHING, you need to decide exactly WHAT you want to accomplish.  There are good and bad goals. The key to having a good and achievable goal is not setting one that is ABSTRACT (e.g. be ‘successful’). Why? Because then you won’t know exactly how to go about it. Or one that is too big, too detailed (e.g. Winning the lottery and going vacationing in the South of France and starting a summer romance). Start simple, then slowly build as you get closer to what you want!

As soon as you decide your GOAL you need to divide it into smaller goals! That will create a ladder that will lead you to your objective. (e.g. Write a book. Steps: Write everyday @ 2pm. Hire an agent. Send draft. Get Feedback. Etc)

[Tweet “You want to stretch to be your best, not strain after impossible dreams. Set goals you CAN and WILL achieve!”]

What can you do NOW?

Which of the steps you wrote down can you achieve by doing something NOW? Whatever it is, that is your goal for now until the next step, and the next, and the next. Whatever you can do now; Do it.

High achievers write down their goals! To really hammer it into your brain, every morning grab a pad and re-write your resolutions, your goals. Write it down! Then, keep your notes where you can see and read them every day.

Tip! Be precise with your goals and steps! Your brain understands better with specific info; instead of ‘loose weigh’ write down ‘loose 10lbs’.

What are the CONSEQUENCES?

Write down what are the consequences of completing your dream! Happinnes, better health, weight loss, more time, more economic stability. Whatever it is, if it’s something that will improve your life, WRITE IT DOWN. It will motivate you and make you happy once you get there! Make sure you set goals that are worth achieving! It generates MORE reasons for you to get there!

 Who did you tell?

Tell people around you! If you are excited, they will be too! And letting people know will motivate you to show them your end result. Your accomplished goal! We are far more likely to stick to our plan and reach our goals if we know our friends and family support us.


Download the worksheet! It’s fillable and printable!

worksheet printable

[Tweet “Never, ever, let anyone tell you what you can and can’t do. The sky’s the limit. Your sky. Your limit.”]
What are your GOALS?




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.