I was SUPER excited when I found out that Jurassic World was going to come out. Like, this is part of my childhood! I love when they decide to change, remake or continue an old movie. Yes, especially even the Disney ones.

Jurassic World scored an opening weekend box office haul of over $500 million worldwide. But that doesn’t mean much to me, many movies score huge but then you watch them and they are… less than stellar. Plus, Jurassic World has its predecessors and nostalgia going for it! Of course a lot of people would go watch it.

Now, one thing is certain; with today’s technologies the entire thing would look in-cre-di-ble! And it did. The effects were amazing, the “view” looked great and the dinosaurs were amazingly realistic. But beauty doesn’t make a movie wonderful, does it?

The first two Jurassic Park movies were directed by Steven Spielberg, the third sequel was directed by Joe Johnston, although Steven remained “involved” in the movie as its executive producer. And what was the result of that? A movie that flunked review wise. And one that I never rewatched and can barely remember.

But during production of Jurassic Park III, Spielberg had an idea for a fourth installment of the series. And that was all the way back in 2001/2002. The movie went through a series of identity crisis as ideas were created and refused – like John Sayles draft of genetically modified dinosaur-human mercenaries. LOL, what?! Finally, in 2013, Colin Trevorrow was announced as a director and co-writer with the film scheduled for release on June 12, 2015.

Did you do the math? There was over a decade of script fiddling! A decade! Wow. Surely that would be enough time for a great script, right?

The film features a new park, Jurassic World, built on the remains of the original park on Isla Nublar. The film sees the park run by Simon Masrani (Irrfan Khan) and Masrani Corp, and features the return of Dr. Henry Wu (B.D. Wong) from the first film, who harbors a grudge against his former employer. Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, and Jake Johnson star, while Vincent D’Onofrio portrays the main antagonist, Vic Hoskins.

So, with the premise of it being a continuation from the previous movie, I think my confusion is understandable when I went to watch it and what I saw was something that seemed like a remake. Yes, a remake. They followed the same success outline of Jurassic Park. Two kids, a scientist, the hero….

Another thing, this new park, being in the 21st century, tells us over and over that the public is bored. Yes, very bored (even though it is hella full). And what can they do besides create a genetically-modified hybrid of Tyrannosaurus rex and several other species, including Velociraptor, called Indominus rex?

But yet, the shots of the park show a lot of herbivorous. If the public is bored, surely it would be easier and better to recreate some of the original carnivorous to entertain? Because, we barely saw any other exciting dinos. Sounds like a poor excuse to me!

Let’s wander out of the main path, because that’s smart!

OK. That apart, let’s talk about the characters. Besides being a mirror image of the original layout… the characters here are terribly written! They had good actors in this movie but they ruined it with weird directing choices. I’m sorry, but there is a blood thirsty gigantic dinosaur HUNTING you and your brother and I don’t see a single tear or sob? Actually, what I see is high-fiving and laughter? Color me baffled!

All of the characters are not belivable at all. And there is nothing worse in a movie than that. Heck, the best character was the Mosasaurus. Plus, there were so many odd choices! Like going after a super intelligent dinosaur with shock guns. Or two kids being able to fix a 22 year old broken Jeep easily!

The mososaurus is doing its thing.

There is also a part where the Pterodactylus are attacking everyone, even people low on the floor, but when Dallas is standing high up, looking for the kids (if I remember correctly), not one of them attacks her! Plus, she is wearing heels the entire time and the brand she uses must be amazing because not only does it never break but it also never twists her foot or makes her fall as she runs, especially on the last part where she manages to run faster than the Indominous! Oh, and her magically changing hair within scenes.

Not to mention the connection that Owen has with the Velociraptors as their alpha, who momentarely betray him to serve the Indominous, who shares genetics with them, only to later show their loyalty to him once again…

So, this was me during the movie:

And after:

Basically, it is blaringly obvious Steven Spielberg did not direct this and perhaps another decade changing the script would have done it good. Now, there might be a fifth movie with a completely different story that will remove the identity of what is a “Jurassic Park” movie. Trevorrow said, “that he felt that future films could explore the idea of dinosaurs and humans co-existing together.” Hinting, as well, that “the next film could involve dinosaurs being used by other companies for non-entertainment purposes, possibly in agriculture, medicine, and war.”

Hmm, what do you think? Let me know down below! I won’t bite.




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.