Madison works as a private caterer, which keeps her very busy on most days. It’s a job that takes more effort then it seems. She has to arrange the delivery, preparation and presentation of food for her clients. But not only that! They also have to deal with the decorations, tables, chairs, music and lighting, sometimes.

This Saturday she had a wedding booked, which was her least favorite type of job. Brides were difficult and picky and there was a lot that could go wrong. Nevertheless, it was the job she chose and one that, in the end, she was happy to do.

A few hours before the event, her assistant, Danny, was checking in the waiters as they started to arrive. A few were running late but that was unavoidable when dealing with such a large crew.

She ran through the room with her staff giving off orders or marking things as done. The rest was, thank goodness, responsibility of the event planner, but she wouldn’t be able to breathe until the night ended – only then she would know that everything had gone smoothly. With a check in her pocket she would go back to her empty home, sleep, and prepare for the next job.

It was an hour to the reception, everyone was speeding up on their tasks, but things were mostly ready. She checked on the pre-prep for the meals and eventually sat down, waiting for action time. Half an hour or so later, her last waiter arrived. His hair was disheveled and he was red faced and breathless after running there. He mumbled trying to explain why he was late but Madison simply shooed him to get dressed.

The guests were all arriving and sitting in, Madison waited to be notified to when she was supposed to start sending in her crew, but, instead, a flustered event planner barged in backdoors, a cellphone in her hand.

“Is this a prank?! We have a room full of people!” She complained at her phone. She hung up, cursing under her breath. Madison raised her eyebrows looking at her expectedly, waiting for whatever the bad news were.

“Well… ” The woman said with a sigh, adjusting her suit. “The bride fought with the groom after the wedding and has refused to leave her bridal room. And there are altercations between the bride’s and groom’s family.”

Madison nodded. “All right. Is it cancelled?” She asked calmly.

The event planner stared at her annoyed. “I don’t know!” She turned and left.

Madison shrugged, feeling resigned. Events were canceled all the time, she would wait and see. She got up and told everyone to halt further preparations on the courses. They kept the food heated, waiting for a no or go.

In the end, it was a no go. The flood of guests started leaving, whispers going with them. The food was sitting in the kitchen, waiting to be taken, and the wedding cake was in the ballroom, alone on a table.

She told everyone they were done for the night, they could take the food if they so wished. She walked out of the kitchen and backstage area and walked into the beautiful ballroom. It seemed so empty and bleak with its flowers and decor still intact. She sat down, hunched. It was always a disappointment when it didn’t work out.

A plate of cake was placed in front of her. It was the late waiter she had checked in. James. “If no one is eating…” He smiled at her, sitting down with his own plate. He dug in happily, revealing a red velvet cake under the white fondue and sugary decorations.

She smirked giving in. It was delicious.

The End

Not every love story has to be a grand love.




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.