I remember running off from work and jumping on a cab. My wife was having our baby! I couldn’t sit still, and a few blocks away I threw bills at the cabbie and ran off, trusting my speed. I barely made it, but as I hurriedly dressed the blue hospital gown over my clothes and stepped in, she was born. My little girl.

My wife reached out to me and I held her hand as they picked her up. I cut the umbilical chord and then she was in my wife’s arms. My heart tugged at me, seeing my family complete. It was a beautiful miracle.

Dressed and fed, I was allowed to pick her up. As I saw our reflection in the mirror, her tiny body against my arm, I teared up. She was my princess and I was a changed man.

There is no love like a parent’s love.




About Natalia

Just a regular girl that obsesses way too much over all things beauty, fashion, books, media and lifestyle.