Will Vaginoplasty Address Incontinence? graphic

Will Vaginoplasty Address Incontinence?

Many women struggle with urinary incontinence, especially after childbirth and age. For some of these women, vaginoplasty can help address this issue. Is this procedure right for you? The answer depends on your unique health situation and your goals in treatment. What Causes Urinary Incontinence? Urinary incontinence can be caused by several different health problems. […]

7 Healthy Hacks for Clear & Flawless Skin graphic

7 Healthy Hacks for Clear & Flawless Skin

There are several perks to having a flawless complexion. For one, your makeup glides on smoothly; there are no dry patches for the foundation to cling on or excessive shine that will make it transferable. However, the most important benefit of great skin is simply that – great skin. Once you achieve it, you can […]

What is DETOX really all about? graphic

What is DETOX really all about?

Detoxing/Juicing has slowly become more and more popular. Who remembers when everyone was drinking kale shots? Nowadays it’s common to see youtubers, bloggers, celebrities etc promoting detox teas or juicing systems. Have you ever stopped to wonder what it really is about? Does it work? What are the benefits? Any downsides? Well, I’m here today […]

The Milk Diet. Did it work? graphic

The Milk Diet. Did it work?

Okay, the title may make it seem like it's a popular diet out there. It's not. A friend of my sister's said she was going to do it (which she didn't) and showed my sister the menu for the 8 day duration. My mom immediately thought of me because I consume lactose everyday and a [...]