O is for… Oscar graphic

O is for… Oscar

When he saw her at the club last night he felt so lucky! She looked so sexy… He only had eyes for her. He had been into her for years now and lately they had started talking again, once in a while she would answer his messages… He felt that he was slowly winning her […]

N is for… Never Again graphic

N is for… Never Again

Never again.  I was stupid. She was very attractive and I thought to myself; Why not? Who would find out? Just a harmless adventure. It was only that, fun – the excitement, the sneaking out, the secrets… It was so exciting at the time. But was it worth it? Those insignificant moments I spent with […]

M is for… Mom graphic

M is for… Mom

I know you suffered because of us, I know you gave us your all, I know you’d still do it all over again. Strong. Beautiful. Charming. I could only hope to be half the woman you are. Don’t ever change. To you, mom. I love you so much. XO,

L is for…. Laundry Room graphic

L is for…. Laundry Room

“Amy, do you have any dirty clothes to be washed?” Claire asked from the hallway. “No, I don’t think so. Why?” Amy smirked. “Oh, shush! Do you or do you not?” “Yes, it’s in my room.” Claire put all the dirty clothes in the laundry basket. She stopped to look in the mirror, maybe a […]

K is for… (First) Kiss graphic

K is for… (First) Kiss

The trailers started but I just couldn’t pay attention. I was so nervous, Josh was by my side! Oh my gosh, we were like so close, I could feel his arm almost touching mine. My mouth was dry, so I took a sip of coke and waited for the movie to start. Wait, what were […]

J is for… Julie & Jessica graphic

J is for… Julie & Jessica

*warning for homosexual content   “Ta-da!” Jessica looked up to see Julie in the doorway, her arms wide open and a big smile. “Do you notice anything different about me?” She sways her hair to the side. Jessica narrows her eyes. “Hmmm… I’m not sure. Is that a new shirt?” “Don’t be silly!” She replies […]

I is for… Introvert graphic

I is for… Introvert

Five minutes after I hit the “not going” option on the Facebook event my friend called me. “What do you mean with ‘not going’?” She demanded. “It means… I’m not going.” I replied simply. “But you have to come, it’s going to be awesome! There will be so many cute guys! Didn’t you see how […]

H is for… Heather graphic

H is for… Heather

It was her first love, her first everything. He had a bad boy smile and a cool attitude and it sweeped her off her feet. He was the one, or so she thought. She did everything for him, even changed her beliefs, her attitudes. But what did she get in return? He got colder, distant, […]

G is for… Gold graphic

G is for… Gold

As her cream satin dress was zipped up, she looked in the mirror and smiled. No, she might not have the same body as when she first married, but she still felt just as beautiful. She giggled feeling giddy. Today she would be renewing her vows with Albert, her love for 50 years now. They […]

F is for… Frannie graphic

F is for… Frannie

She was walking proudly with her baby swaddled in her arms. Her nose was red, and her eyes puffy from her crying before. But she raised her chin and continued on. They told me not to keep you, to give you up. They threatened, yelled and threw me out. But I refused, because I knew […]

D is for… Dad graphic

D is for… Dad

I remember running off from work and jumping on a cab. My wife was having our baby! I couldn’t sit still, and a few blocks away I threw bills at the cabbie and ran off, trusting my speed. I barely made it, but as I hurriedly dressed the blue hospital gown over my clothes and […]

C is for… Catering graphic

C is for… Catering

Madison works as a private caterer, which keeps her very busy on most days. It’s a job that takes more effort then it seems. She has to arrange the delivery, preparation and presentation of food for her clients. But not only that! They also have to deal with the decorations, tables, chairs, music and lighting, […]